Should Children walk to school

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12 Responses to Should Children walk to school

  1. Tobi says:

    I think children between the ages of 4-10 should be accompanied by a responsible adult when making their journey to school, especially when they are walking. Children should be accompanied as a result of events in the news recently, many children are being assaulted, murdered or some times abducted. Recent information has shown that in Europe, there are 14947 cases regarding children being abducted, assaulted randomly or in some cases, killed. Therefore, I think children should not be left to go to school single-handedly but should be accompanied by an adult.
    Mrs Gustave, as many children hang out after school, how do you think we could encourage them to go home as soon as the school day is over?

  2. Jamellia says:

    I think children should walk to school although they may be some risk taking . I also think you explained your subject well , however I think you could have presented more writing and put your opinion the conclusion .

  3. Jenniah-Mae says:

    I agree that the ‘walk to school’ programme has encouraged children to try their hardest and try to push themselves into keeping fit.The thought that you are taking part in an activity and doing something by yourself would motivate you to carry on and continue to walk instead of using a form of transport.I would completely recommend not just children or pupils but adults as well, should try their hardest to walk and to keep their bodies healthy.

  4. Baffour says:

    Many primary school children go to school by themselves but there are several disadvantages that advantages to doing this. HIowever if they go to school by themselves there is the possibility they can be abducted or get hurt by strangers, which is a serious thing. In the morning there is a lot of traffic on the road, sometimes they can be hit by a car when crossing the road if they do not follow safety rules.On the other hand, if children walk to school it will reduce the traffic on the road, leading to a decrease in the level of pollution in the air. If children walk to school it will help to develop their health and keep them fit.

  5. Dylan says:

    I think that children under 7 should not go to school by themselves . Children can get killed or abducted , however children do need exercise and walking to school will make a big impact .

    • Mrs Easton says:

      I agree with you Dylan, children under the age of 7 should not walk to school alone, they should be accompanied by an adult. At what age do you think children are responsible enough to walk to school alone?

  6. Jemima says:

    Mrs Gustave,
    I think children should walk to school because it helps develop their muscles and their brains. Theyy will be less prone to daydreaming, sleeping or being distracted during lessons. They will focus on their learning with important things surrounding them. Although children are being killed and mugged on their way to school, there are other forms of transport such as riding a bicycle or a skateboard or even roller skating which they can use.

    On the other hand, many children become weary when they walk long distances from their house to school.As children grow up, their attendance is taken very seriously and contribute to their reputation, therefore they should choose the most appropriate means to arrive early when they are going to school.
    Finally, some children walk to school and find that htis is a good way to meet their friends, as children are prone to socialising with friends, a few of them do go to school just to socialise with friends.

    • Tobi says:

      Jemima as you have made very important points, I think you could have substituted some words to make your work more lively but apart from that, this work is up to standard.

  7. Isaac says:

    I strongly think that more children should walk to school ,they should be motivated to do it all the time.Though this help their mental ability, it also help their physical ability. Research has shown that less children walk to school than before, as most just take public transport or vehicles. The ‘Walk to School’ programme promotes walking to school in legit ways to get more children actively walking to school.

    • Mrs Easton says:

      I agree with you Isaac! I think children should walk to school. We haven’t spoken much about the ‘Walk to School’ programme recently, perhaps we need to talk about it in assembly.
      I think the discussion is more at what age should children be able to walk to school without an adult accompanying them. At what age do you think it is safe for children to walk to school without an adult?

  8. emanuel says:

    I disagree sorry but how about if some one lives far from the school,also if there was under 7 or 8 there will get lost or murdered

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