The Run Away

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8 Responses to The Run Away

  1. kimberley says:

    it is good well done I would love to hear more

  2. Ruby says:

    Make it longer. Why did they feel mysterious. Now i feel mysterious

  3. Ibukun says:

    Thanks Kimberley

  4. Emma (100wc team) says:

    This is a very mysterious story which would make a good opening hook to a much longer story because I’m wondering who does the voice belong to and how does the bath tap leaking relate to the story?

    Emma (100wc team)

  5. teah says:

    well done ibukun thats really good keep it up i can not wait to hear more

  6. Jennifer says:

    it’s a very good piece of writing

  7. chidera says:

    i think u should make a part 2

  8. Benit says:

    I agree with chidera

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