
“This being within about a mile from the shore
where I was, and the boat seeming to stand upright still,
I wished myself on board, that, at least,
I might save some necessary things for my use.”

-Robinson Crusoe

If you were shipwrecked and you were able to save just one soul, who would it be? Why would you save this person? What are the special qualities that you would be looking for in that person? Remember your survival depends on it.

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4 Responses to Shipwrecked

  1. johnson says:

    Mrs Gustave your work is very interesting and influencial it also supports other pupils in the school you are one of the best teachers in the school and I bet my sister Hannah also agrees with me

  2. Emmanuella says:

    This is a good work

  3. Fiona says:

    I really liked your story Miss Gustave.

  4. Ainsley says:

    I love this story Mrs Gustave. Also if I was going to save one person it would someone who is kind and caring. I would want to see politeness in them.

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